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Whiteflag API

Reference implementation of the Whiteflag protocol as a web API in Node.js to connect applications with the underlying blockchains

Whiteflag API v1.0.0-beta.2

Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses. Select a language for code samples from the tabs above or the mobile navigation menu.

This Whiteflag Application Programming Interface (API) is a Node.js software implementation of the API layer that provides an interface with the Whiteflag messaging network on one or more underlying blockchains. It acts as a message transceiver between one or more blockchains and one or more end-user applications.

This API is a so called Minumum Viable Product (MVP), which means that it only supports the core features of the Whiteflag protocol for development and testing purposes. As such, it serves as the reference implementation of the Whiteflag protocol, but it is not designed and tested for secure usage and performance in a production environment.

This definition documents the API in OpenAPI format.

Two methods are available for interaction with the API: 1. a REST API for originators to provide Whiteflag message to be sent on the blockchain, and 2. a web socket variant available on /socket for clients to listen for incoming Whiteflag messages from a blockchain. A running API has a webpage with embedded socket listener available on /listen and the documented source code at /docs.

All response bodies are structured as {meta, data, errors}, based on the JSON API Specification, which has been used as a guideline (and as a guideline only).

Base URLs:



Endpoints for operations on Whiteflag messages, such as retrieval, sending, encoding, decoding and validation.


GET /messages

Returns an array with all incoming and outgoing messages from the primary datastore. The operation accepts MetaHeader fields as optional query parameters. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.


Name In Type Required Description
blockchain query string false The name of a blockchain
transactionHash query string false The hash of a blockchain transaction
originatorAddress query string false The blockchain address of an originator
originatorPubKey query string false The public key of an originator
recipientAddress query string false The blockchain address of the recipient (only known for decrypted messages)
transceiveDirection query string false The transceive direction indicating if a message has been sent (TX) or has been received (RX)

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": [
      "MetaHeader": null,
      "MessageHeader": null,
      "MessageBody": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully processed Whiteflag message query and returning an array of messages Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid request, typically because of a malformed syntax or protocol error responseBodyErrors
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


POST /messages/send

Transmits a Whiteflag message on a blockchain and returns the result. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Body parameter

  "MetaHeader": null,
  "MessageHeader": null,
  "MessageBody": null


Name In Type Required Description
body body wfMessage false Whiteflag message to be send, encoded/ecrypted, or validated

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": {
    "MetaHeader": null,
    "MessageHeader": null,
    "MessageBody": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully processed the Whiteflag message and returning the message with updated MetaHeader Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid request, typically because of a malformed syntax or protocol error responseBodyErrors
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors
501 Not Implemented Function not implemented, such as a missing protocol feature or not implemented blockchain responseBodyErrors
503 Service Unavailable Function currently not available, such as unavailable blockchain connection responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


POST /messages/receive

Accepts a Whiteflag message as if received from a blockchain. This may be done for simulation of incoming messages or if a direct connection with a blockchain node is not possible. Typically only used for testing. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Body parameter

  "MetaHeader": null


Name In Type Required Description
body body object false Whiteflag message to be decoded/decrypted

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": {
    "MetaHeader": null,
    "MessageHeader": null,
    "MessageBody": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully processed the Whiteflag message and returning the message with updated MetaHeader Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid request, typically because of a malformed syntax or protocol error responseBodyErrors
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors
501 Not Implemented Function not implemented, such as a missing protocol feature or not implemented blockchain responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


POST /messages/encode

Encodes a Whiteflag message and returns the result. Typically used for validation and testing, because this is automatically done for outgoing messages. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Body parameter

  "MetaHeader": null,
  "MessageHeader": null,
  "MessageBody": null


Name In Type Required Description
body body wfMessage false Whiteflag message to be send, encoded/ecrypted, or validated

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": {
    "MetaHeader": null,
    "MessageHeader": null,
    "MessageBody": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully processed the Whiteflag message and returning the message with updated MetaHeader Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid request, typically because of a malformed syntax or protocol error responseBodyErrors
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors
501 Not Implemented Function not implemented, such as a missing protocol feature or not implemented blockchain responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


POST /messages/decode

Decodes a Whiteflag message and returns the result. Typically used for validation and testing, because this is automatically done for incoming messages. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Body parameter

  "MetaHeader": null


Name In Type Required Description
body body object false Whiteflag message to be decoded/decrypted

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": {
    "MetaHeader": null,
    "MessageHeader": null,
    "MessageBody": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully processed the Whiteflag message and returning the message with updated MetaHeader Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid request, typically because of a malformed syntax or protocol error responseBodyErrors
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors
501 Not Implemented Function not implemented, such as a missing protocol feature or not implemented blockchain responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


POST /messages/validate

Validates the format and reference of a Whiteflag message and returns the result. Typically used for validation and testing, because this is automatically done for incoming and outgoing messages. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Body parameter

  "MetaHeader": null,
  "MessageHeader": null,
  "MessageBody": null


Name In Type Required Description
body body wfMessage false Whiteflag message to be send, encoded/ecrypted, or validated

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": [
      "MetaHeader": null,
      "MessageHeader": null,
      "MessageBody": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully processed Whiteflag message query and returning an array of messages Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid request, typically because of a malformed syntax or protocol error responseBodyErrors
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


GET /messages/references

Returns an array of all Whiteflag messages referencing the message with the given transaction hash. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.


Name In Type Required Description
transactionHash query string true The hash of a blockchain transaction
blockchain query string false The name of a blockchain

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": [
      "MetaHeader": null,
      "MessageHeader": null,
      "MessageBody": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully processed Whiteflag message query and returning an array of messages Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid request, typically because of a malformed syntax or protocol error responseBodyErrors
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors
501 Not Implemented Function not implemented, such as a missing protocol feature or not implemented blockchain responseBodyErrors
503 Service Unavailable Function currently not available, such as unavailable blockchain connection responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


GET /messages/sequence

Returns an array with the Whiteflag messages in a sequence starting with the message with the given transaction hash. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.


Name In Type Required Description
transactionHash query string true The hash of a blockchain transaction
blockchain query string false The name of a blockchain

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": [
      "MetaHeader": null,
      "MessageHeader": null,
      "MessageBody": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully processed Whiteflag message query and returning an array of messages Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid request, typically because of a malformed syntax or protocol error responseBodyErrors
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors
501 Not Implemented Function not implemented, such as a missing protocol feature or not implemented blockchain responseBodyErrors
503 Service Unavailable Function currently not available, such as unavailable blockchain connection responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


Endpoints for operations related to a specific blockchain and blockchain accounts, such as blockchain information settings, account information and authentication signatures.


GET /blockchains

Returns an array with the names of all blockchains, regardless of their current status. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": [


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully retrieved and returning the names of all configured blockchains Inline
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


GET /blockchains/{blockchain}

Returns the configuration and status of the specified blockchain. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully retrieved and returning the blockchain configuration and status Inline
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
404 Not Found Requested resource not found or no data available responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


GET /blockchains/{blockchain}/accounts

Returns an array with all account addresses of the specified blockchain. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": [


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully retrieved and returning the addresses of the blockchain accounts Inline
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
404 Not Found Requested resource not found or no data available responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


POST /blockchains/{blockchain}/accounts

Creates a new account for the specified blockchain. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Body parameter

  "privateKey": "string"


Name In Type Required Description
body body object false Blockchain account data
» privateKey body string false Optional private key in raw hexadecimal format to create account with

Example responses

201 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created Successfully created the blockchain account, and returning account data Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid request, typically because of a malformed syntax or protocol error responseBodyErrors
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
409 Conflict The request conflicts with an already existing resource responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors
501 Not Implemented Function not implemented, such as a missing protocol feature or not implemented blockchain responseBodyErrors
503 Service Unavailable Function currently not available, such as unavailable blockchain connection responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


GET /blockchains/{blockchain}/accounts/{account}

Returns the details of the specified blockchain account. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully retrieved, updated or deleted the blockchain account, and returning account data Inline
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
404 Not Found Requested resource not found or no data available responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


PATCH /blockchains/{blockchain}/accounts/{account}

Updates or adds custom properties of the specified blockchain account. Please BE CAREFUL as all attributes can be changed, which may result in an unusable account. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Body parameter


Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully retrieved, updated or deleted the blockchain account, and returning account data Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid request, typically because of a malformed syntax or protocol error responseBodyErrors
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors
501 Not Implemented Function not implemented, such as a missing protocol feature or not implemented blockchain responseBodyErrors
503 Service Unavailable Function currently not available, such as unavailable blockchain connection responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


DELETE /blockchains/{blockchain}/accounts/{account}

Deletes the specified blockchain account. Please BE CAREFUL as all blockchain data will be unrecoverably deleted. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully retrieved, updated or deleted the blockchain account, and returning account data Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid request, typically because of a malformed syntax or protocol error responseBodyErrors
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors
501 Not Implemented Function not implemented, such as a missing protocol feature or not implemented blockchain responseBodyErrors
503 Service Unavailable Function currently not available, such as unavailable blockchain connection responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


POST /blockchains/{blockchain}/accounts/{account}/sign

Signs a Whiteflag authentication payload for the blockchain address specified in the payload and returns the resulting signature to be used with authentication method 1. This signature should be made available on an internet resource to which an A1 authentication message refers. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Body parameter


Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully processed the Whiteflag authentication signature and returning the result Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid request, typically because of a malformed syntax or protocol error responseBodyErrors
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
404 Not Found Requested resource not found or no data available responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors
501 Not Implemented Function not implemented, such as a missing protocol feature or not implemented blockchain responseBodyErrors
503 Service Unavailable Function currently not available, such as unavailable blockchain connection responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


POST /blockchains/{blockchain}/accounts/{account}/transfer

Transfers value to another blockchain account. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Body parameter

  "fromAddress": "string",
  "toAddress": "string",
  "value": "string"


Name In Type Required Description
body body object false Data required to transfer value to another blockchain account
» fromAddress body string false The address of the blockchain account to transfer value from
» toAddress body string true The address of the blockchain account to transfer value to
» value body string true Value to be transferred in the main currency of the blockchain

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": {
    "transactionHash": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully transferred value to another blockchain account and returning the transaction hash Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid request, typically because of a malformed syntax or protocol error responseBodyErrors
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
404 Not Found Requested resource not found or no data available responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors
501 Not Implemented Function not implemented, such as a missing protocol feature or not implemented blockchain responseBodyErrors
503 Service Unavailable Function currently not available, such as unavailable blockchain connection responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


Endpoints for operations on Whiteflag authentication, such as signature and token creation and validation.


POST /signature/decode

Decodes a Whiteflag authentication signature used for authentication method 1. Typically used for validation and testing, because this is automatically done for incoming messages. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Body parameter


Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully processed the Whiteflag authentication signature and returning the result Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid request, typically because of a malformed syntax or protocol error responseBodyErrors
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


POST /signature/verify

Verifies a Whiteflag authentication signature used for authentication method 1. Typically used for validation and testing, because this is automatically done for incoming messages. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Body parameter


Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully processed the Whiteflag authentication signature and returning the result Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid request, typically because of a malformed syntax or protocol error responseBodyErrors
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors
501 Not Implemented Function not implemented, such as a missing protocol feature or not implemented blockchain responseBodyErrors
503 Service Unavailable Function currently not available, such as unavailable blockchain connection responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


POST /originators/tokens

Stores a unique pre-shared secret authentication token together with the provided Whiteflag originator data, used for authentication method 2. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Body parameter

  "name": "string",
  "blockchain": "string",
  "address": "string",
  "secret": "string"


Name In Type Required Description
body body object false Pre-shared secret authentication token data
» name body string true The name of the orginator
» blockchain body string true The name of the blockchain used by the originator
» address body string false The blockchain address of the originator, if already known
» secret body string true A pre-shared secret authentication token in raw hexadecimal format

Example responses

202 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
202 Accepted Successfully accepted the new authentication token for the Whiteflag originator Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid request, typically because of a malformed syntax or protocol error responseBodyErrors
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
409 Conflict The request conflicts with an already existing resource responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


GET /originators/tokens/{authTokenId}

Checks for the existence of a pre-shared secret authentication token and originator data with the specified token id. This data is used for authentication method 2. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK An authentication token for the Whiteflag originator is available Inline
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
404 Not Found Requested resource not found or no data available responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


DELETE /originators/tokens/{authTokenId}

Deletes the pre-shared secret authentication token and originator data with the specified token id. This data is used for authentication method 2. Please BE CAREFUL as the authentication token will be unrecoverably deleted. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Example responses

202 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
202 Accepted Successfully accepted the delete request for the authentication token of the Whiteflag originator Inline
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
404 Not Found Requested resource not found or no data available responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


POST /token/create

Creates the non-secret Whiteflag verification token for the provided pre-shared secret authentication token used for authentication method 2. The verification token is to be used in, or to validate, the VerificationData field of an A2 authentication message. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Body parameter

  "blockchain": "string",
  "address": "string",
  "secret": "string"


Name In Type Required Description
body body object false Whiteflag Authentication Token
» blockchain body string true The name of the blockchain used by the originator
» address body string true The address of the originator blockchain account with which the token is used
» secret body string true A pre-shared secret authentication token in raw hexadecimal format

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": {
    "VerificationData": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully created the Whiteflag authentication token verification data and returning the result Inline
400 Bad Request Invalid request, typically because of a malformed syntax or protocol error responseBodyErrors
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors
501 Not Implemented Function not implemented, such as a missing protocol feature or not implemented blockchain responseBodyErrors
503 Service Unavailable Function currently not available, such as unavailable blockchain connection responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


Endpoints for operations on Whiteflag encryption, such as managing cryptographic keys.


GET /originators/{address}/psk/{account}

Checks for existence of a pre-shared secret encryption key for the specified Whiteflag originator to be used with the specified blockchain account. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A pre-shared encryption key for the Whiteflag originator is available Inline
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
404 Not Found Requested resource not found or no data available responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


PUT /originators/{address}/psk/{account}

Stores or updates a pre-shared secret encryption key for the specified Whiteflag originator to be used with the specified blockchain account. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Body parameter

  "preSharedKey": "string"


Name In Type Required Description
body body object false Pre-shared encryption key data
» preSharedKey body string true A pre-shared secret encryption key in raw hexadecimal format

Example responses

202 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
202 Accepted Successfully accepted new or updated pre-shared encryption key for the Whiteflag originator Inline
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
404 Not Found Requested resource not found or no data available responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


DELETE /originators/{address}/psk/{account}

Deletes a pre-shared secret encryption key for the specified Whiteflag originator to be used with the specified blockchain account. Please BE CAREFUL as the encryption key will be unrecoverably deleted. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Example responses

202 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
202 Accepted Successfully accepted the delete request for the pre-shared encryption key for the Whiteflag originators Inline
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
404 Not Found Requested resource not found or no data available responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


Endpoints for operations on Whiteflag originators, such as authentication and management of shared secrets.


GET /originators

Returns the details of all known Whiteflag originators.

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully retrieved and returning known Whiteflag originators Inline
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


GET /originators/{address}

Returns the details of the specified Whiteflag originator.

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully retrieved and returning known Whiteflag originator Inline
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
404 Not Found Requested resource not found or no data available responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


PATCH /originators/{address}

Updates the details of the specified Whiteflag originator. Only the provided properties will be updated. Please BE CAREFUL as this may result in loss of critical data such as cryptographic keys. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Body parameter


Example responses

202 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
202 Accepted Successfully retrieved and returning known Whiteflag originators Inline
404 Not Found Requested resource not found or no data available responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


DELETE /originators/{address}

Deletes the specified Whiteflag originator. Please BE CAREFUL as this may result in loss of critical data such as cryptographic keys. This operation may be disabled in the configuration.

Example responses

202 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
202 Accepted Successfully retrieved and returning known Whiteflag originators Inline
404 Not Found Requested resource not found or no data available responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors

Response Schema


Endpoints for operations on the Whiteflag state of a running API instance.


GET /queues/{queue}

Returns the requested queue in the Whiteflag state. The queues used by the API are:

Example responses

200 Response

  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "data": null


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully retrieved and returning the queue of the running API instance Inline
401 Unauthorized Authentication is required and was either not provided or has failed responseBodyErrors
403 Forbidden Request is not allowed, typically because the operation is disabled in the configuration responseBodyErrors
404 Not Found Requested resource not found or no data available responseBodyErrors
500 Internal Server Error Internal error preventing the running API instance to process the request responseBodyErrors

Response Schema



GET /protocol/whiteflag.standard.html

Returns the human readible Whiteflag protocol specification in HTML format.


|Status|Meaning|Description|Schema| |—|—|—|—|


GET /protocol/message.schema.json

Returns the Whiteflag message JSON schema.


|Status|Meaning|Description|Schema| |—|—|—|—|


GET /protocol/metaheader.schema.json

Returns the Whiteflag message metaheader JSON schema.


|Status|Meaning|Description|Schema| |—|—|—|—|


GET /protocol/signature.schema.json

Returns Whiteflag authentication signature JSON schema.


|Status|Meaning|Description|Schema| |—|—|—|—|


GET /protocol/state.schema.json

Returns the Whiteflag API state JSON schema.


|Status|Meaning|Description|Schema| |—|—|—|—|



GET /icons/{icon}

Returns the requested icon corresponding with a message type.


|Status|Meaning|Description|Schema| |—|—|—|—|



  "MetaHeader": null,
  "MessageHeader": null,
  "MessageBody": null

Whiteflag Message




  "additionalProperties": null,
  "operationId": "string",
  "request": {
    "client": "string",
    "method": "string",
    "endpoint": "string"
  "info": [
  "warnings": [
  "errors": [

API response metadata


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
additionalProperties any false none none
operationId string false none Unique string defined by the OpenAPI defintion used to identify the operation
request object false none Details of the request on the endpoint
» client string false none The ip address of the client that made the request
» method string false none The HTTP method used to make the request
» endpoint string false none The endpoint on which the request has been made
info [string] false none Information about how the data was processed
warnings [string] false none Warnings generated when processing the request
errors [string] false none Errors generated when processing the request



API response errors


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
API response errors [string] false none Errors describing why the request could not succesfully be fulfilled


  "meta": {
    "additionalProperties": null,
    "operationId": "string",
    "request": {
      "client": "string",
      "method": "string",
      "endpoint": "string"
    "info": [
    "warnings": [
    "errors": [
  "errors": [

