Source: blockchains/bitcoin/listener.js

'use strict';
 * @module lib/blockchains/bitcoin/listener
 * @summary Whiteflag API Bitcoin listener module
 * @description Module to connect to the Bitcoin network and crawl/listen for transactions
module.exports = {
    init: initListener

// Whiteflag common functions and classes //
const log = require('../../common/logger');
const { ignore } = require('../../common/processing');
const { ProcessingError } = require('../../common/errors');
const { determineStartingBlock, logStartingBlock} = require('../common');

// Whiteflag modules //
const wfRxEvent = require('../../protocol/events').rxEvent;
const wfState = require('../../protocol/state');

// Bitcoin sub-modules //
const bcRpc = require('./rpc');
const bcAccounts = require('./accounts');
const bcTransactions = require('./transactions');

// Module constants //
const BLOCKRETRYDELAY = 10000;

// Module variables //
let _blockchainName;
let _bcState;
let _iterationCount = 0;
let _discoveredBlock = 0;
let _blockCursor = 0;
let _blockInterval = 60000;
let _blockRetrievalRestart = 20;
let _blockRetrievalStart = 0;
let _blockRetrievalEnd = 0;
let _blockStackSize = 0;
let _blockMaxRetries = 0;
let _blockRetryCount = 0;
let _skippedBlocks = 0;
let _transactionBatchSize = 128;

 * Initiates the listener for Bitcoin blockchain transactions
 * @function initListener
 * @alias module:lib/blockchains/bitcoin/listener.init
 * @param {Object} bcConfig the Bitcoin blockchain configuration
 * @param {Object} bcState the Bitcoin blockchain state
 * @returns {Promise} resolve if succesfully initialised
async function initListener(bcConfig, bcState) {
    _blockchainName =;
    _bcState = bcState;
    log.trace(_blockchainName, 'Initialising listener for Bitcoin blockchain transactions...');

    // Block processing parameters
    if (bcConfig.blockMaxRetries) _blockMaxRetries = bcConfig.blockMaxRetries;
    if (_blockMaxRetries > 0) log.debug(_blockchainName, `Maximum retries for processing a block is set to ${_blockMaxRetries} for each block`);
    if (bcConfig.transactionBatchSize) _transactionBatchSize = bcConfig.transactionBatchSize;
    log.debug(_blockchainName, `Maximum number of transactions in a block that are processed in parallel is set to ${_transactionBatchSize}`);

    // Block interval time
    if (bcConfig.blockRetrievalInterval && bcConfig.blockRetrievalInterval > 500) {
        _blockInterval = bcConfig.blockRetrievalInterval;
    }, `Block retrieval interval is set to ${_blockInterval} ms`);

    // Determine block retrieval range
    if (bcConfig.blockRetrievalRestart) _blockRetrievalRestart = bcConfig.blockRetrievalRestart;
    if (bcConfig.blockRetrievalStart && bcConfig.blockRetrievalStart > 0) {, `Starting block specified in configuration: ${bcConfig.blockRetrievalStart}`);
        _blockRetrievalStart = bcConfig.blockRetrievalStart;
    if (bcConfig.blockRetrievalEnd && bcConfig.blockRetrievalEnd > 0) {, `Ending block specified in configuration: ${bcConfig.blockRetrievalEnd}`);
        _blockRetrievalEnd = bcConfig.blockRetrievalEnd;

    // Determine starting block
    try {
        _bcState.status.highestBlock = await bcRpc.getBlockCount();
        _blockCursor = determineStartingBlock(
        logStartingBlock(_blockchainName, _blockCursor, _bcState.status.highestBlock);
    } catch(err) {
        if (err) return Promise.reject(err);
        return Promise.reject(new Error('Could not connect to Bitcoin node and determine starting block'));
    // Schedule iterative block retrieval
    wfState.updateBlockchainData(_blockchainName, _bcState);
    return Promise.resolve();

 * Schedules next block retrieval iteration
 * @private
function scheduleBlockIteration() {
    log.trace(_blockchainName, `Scheduling block retrieval iteration ${(_iterationCount + 1)} in ${_blockInterval} ms`);
    setTimeout(executeBlockIteration, _blockInterval);

 * Executes block retrieval iteration and re-schedules itself when completed
 * @private
async function executeBlockIteration() {
    _iterationCount += 1;
    log.trace(_blockchainName, `Starting block retrieval iteration ${_iterationCount}`);

    // Get the actual Bitcoin blockchain height
    .then(highestBlock => {
        _bcState.status.highestBlock = highestBlock;

        // Check if highest block is already processed, and schedule next iteration
        if (highestBlock === _blockCursor) {
            log.trace(_blockchainName, `Highest block ${highestBlock} has already been processed`);
            return Promise.reject(); // Stop this iteration without error
        // Current block may be higher than highest block when node is resyncing
        if (_blockCursor > highestBlock) {
            log.debug(_blockchainName, `Current block ${_blockCursor} is higher than highest block ${highestBlock} on node`);
            return Promise.reject(); // Stop this iteration withour error
        // Check if one more new block exists
        if (_blockRetrievalEnd === 0 && highestBlock !== _discoveredBlock) {
            _discoveredBlock = highestBlock;
            log.trace(_blockchainName, `New highest block discovered on node: ${_discoveredBlock}`);
        // Last block to retrieve is highest block or, if provided, end block
        let endBlock = highestBlock;
        if (_blockRetrievalEnd > 0 && _blockRetrievalEnd < highestBlock) {
            endBlock = _blockRetrievalEnd;
        // Process new stack of blocks
        _blockStackSize = 0;
        return processBlocks(_blockCursor, endBlock); // Return new Promise
    .then(async () => {
        // Done processing blocks, continue with the next
        if (_blockRetrievalEnd === 0 || _blockCursor < _blockRetrievalEnd) {
            return Promise.resolve(); // This iteration is completed
        // Provided end block is reached, `Reached configured block retrieval end: ${_blockCursor}`);
        _blockRetrievalEnd = 0;

        // Dtermine from where to proceed
        _blockCursor = determineStartingBlock(_blockchainName, _bcState.status.highestBlock, _blockCursor, _blockRetrievalEnd, _blockRetrievalRestart);
        logStartingBlock(_blockchainName, _blockCursor, _bcState.status.highestBlock);
        return Promise.resolve();
    .then(() => {
        // Continue with next iteration almost immediately
        return setTimeout(executeBlockIteration, BLOCKITERATIONDELAY);
    .catch(err => {
        if (err) {
            // Schedule next iteration shortly to retry
            log.warn(_blockchainName, `Could not complete retrieval of block ${_blockCursor} in iteration ${_iterationCount}: ${err.message}`);
            return setTimeout(executeBlockIteration, BLOCKRETRYDELAY);
        // Schedule next iteration based on configured block time
        return scheduleBlockIteration();

 * Processes multiple Bitcoin blocks
 * @private
 * @param {number} startBlock the block after which the next blocks are processed
 * @param {number} endBlock the block up to which blocks should be processed
 * @returns {Promise} resolves to Error or null when completed
async function processBlocks(startBlock, endBlock) {
    // Stack callbacks to a maximum of 100
    _blockStackSize += 1;
    if (_blockStackSize > BLOCKSTACKSIZE) {
        log.trace(_blockchainName, `Reached maximum block processing stack size: ${_blockStackSize}`);
        return Promise.resolve(); // Completed for now
    // If current block is last block, then there is no new block to retrieve
    if (startBlock === endBlock) {
        log.trace(_blockchainName, 'No new block to retrieve');
        return Promise.resolve(); // Completed for now
    // Block to be processed is the next block after starting block and skipped blocks
    if (_skippedBlocks > 0) log.trace(_blockchainName, `Skipped ${_skippedBlocks} blocks since block ${startBlock}`);
    let thisBlock = startBlock + _skippedBlocks + 1;

    // Skip this block if the block has been retried too often
    if (_blockMaxRetries > 0 && _blockRetryCount > _blockMaxRetries) {
        log.warn(_blockchainName, `Skipping block ${thisBlock} after ${_blockMaxRetries} retries`);
        thisBlock += 1;
        _blockRetryCount = 0;
        _skippedBlocks += 1;
    // Log where we are with blocks
    if (_blockRetryCount !== 0), `Retry ${_blockRetryCount} to process block: ${thisBlock}`);
    log.trace(_blockchainName, `Retrieving block ${_blockStackSize} of iteration ${_iterationCount}: ${thisBlock}`);

    // Retrieve new block
    try {
        await processBlock(thisBlock);
    } catch(err) {
        _blockRetryCount += 1;
        return Promise.reject(err); // Retry this block
    // Completed this block
    _blockCursor = thisBlock;
    _blockRetryCount = 0;
    _skippedBlocks = 0;

    // Update state
    _bcState.status.currentBlock = _blockCursor;
    wfState.updateBlockchainData(_blockchainName, _bcState);

    // Get next block if not yet at last block
    if (thisBlock < endBlock) return processBlocks(_blockCursor, endBlock); // Process next block
    return Promise.resolve(); // Completed all blocks

 * Processes a single Bitcoin block
 * @private
 * @param {number} blockNumber the block to be processed
 * @returns {Promise} resolves if the block is succesfully processed
async function processBlock(blockNumber) {
    // Get block from node
    let block;
    try {
        block = await bcRpc.getBlockByNumber(blockNumber, true); // Get full block inclusing transactions
    } catch(err) {
        return Promise.reject(new Error(`Could not retrieve block ${blockNumber}: ${err.message}`));
    // Check transactions in block
    let transactionCount = block.tx.length;
    if (!block || transactionCount < 1) {
        // Rare case, but a block may be empty, `No transactions in block: ${blockNumber}`);
        return Promise.resolve(); // Completed this block
    log.trace(_blockchainName, `Transactions discovered in block ${blockNumber}: ${transactionCount}`);

    // Let accounts process this block for UTXOs
    bcAccounts.processBlockUtxos(blockNumber, block);

    // Process transactions from block
    return processTransactions(blockNumber, 0, block.tx, block.time)
    .then(() => {, `Transactions processed from block ${blockNumber}: ${transactionCount} `);
        return Promise.resolve(); // Completed this block
    .catch(err => {
        if (!err) return Promise.reject(new Error(`Could not process block ${blockNumber}`));
        return Promise.reject(new Error(`Could not process block ${blockNumber}: ${err.message}`));

 * Processes the transactions of a Bitcoin block
 * @private
 * @param {number} blockNumber the block number of the transactions
 * @param {number} index the first transaction in the array to process
 * @param {Array} transactions the transactions to process
 * @param {number} timestamp the block timestamp
 * @returns {Promise} resolves if all transactions are successfully processed
function processTransactions(blockNumber, index, transactions, timestamp) {
    // Get transaction batch of Promises in an array to extract Whiteflag messages
    let transactionBatch = createTransactionBatch(blockNumber, index, transactions, timestamp);
    if (transactionBatch.length < 1) return Promise.resolve();

    // Resolve all transaction promises in the batch
    return Promise.all(transactionBatch)
    .then(data => {
        ignore(data); // All extracted Whiteflag messages are already put on the rx event chain

        // Next batch
        let nextIndex = index + _transactionBatchSize;
        if (nextIndex >= transactions.length) return Promise.resolve();
        return processTransactions(blockNumber, nextIndex, transactions, timestamp);
    .catch(err => {
        return Promise.reject(err);

 * Combines multiple transactions from a Bitcoin block as promises in an array for batch processing
 * @private
 * @param {number} blockNumber the block number of the transactions
 * @param {number} index the first transaction in the array to process
 * @param {Array} transactions the transactions to process
 * @param {number} timestamp the block timestamp
 * @return {Array} Array with transaction Promises
function createTransactionBatch(blockNumber, index, transactions, timestamp) {
    let transactionBatch = [];
    for (
        let i = index;
        i < Math.min(index + _transactionBatchSize, transactions.length);
    ) {
        // Get a promise for the next transaction
            new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                bcTransactions.extractMessage(transactions[i], blockNumber, timestamp)
                .then(wfMessage => {
                    log.trace(_blockchainName, `Received Whiteflag message: ${JSON.stringify(wfMessage.MetaHeader)}`);
                    wfRxEvent.emit('messageReceived', wfMessage);
                    return resolve();
                .catch(err => {
                    if (err instanceof ProcessingError) return resolve(); // No Whiteflag message in transaction
                    return reject(new Error(`Could not process transaction ${transactions[i].hash}: ${err.message}`)); // Other error
    return transactionBatch;