Tutorial: protocol


Whiteflag API Protocol Implementation

The Whiteflag protocol is implemented with a series of interdependent modules that can be found under lib/protocol. These modules are:

File Purpose
config.js Whiteflag protocol configuration parameters
state.js Whiteflag protocol state management
transmit.js Message transmit events chain functions
receive.js Message receive events chain functions
retrieve.js Message retrieval from datastores and blockchains
codec.js Message encoding and decoding functions
crypto.js Whiteflag cryptographic functions
validation.js Message format, reference and originator verification functions
authentication.js Whiteflag originator authentication functions
management.js Whiteflag protocol management message handler functions

Protocol specific configuration parameters are in whiteflag.toml which can be found in the config/ directory. Static protocol data, such as json schemas can be found under lib/protocol/static.

Message Format

The format of Whiteflag messages is verified against the protocol specification by the validation.js module. To do this, the module uses the external jsonschema library and the Whiteflag message schema provided with the protocol. If the message format is valid, the parameter formatValid in the metaheader is set to true, and otherwise to false.

Test Messages

Test message are supported. When testing on a main blockchain network, the testMessagesOnly in the [tx] section of the whiteflag.toml configuration file should be set to true to prevent the accidental transmission of real messages.

Message References

The references of Whiteflag messages are verified against the protocol specification by the validation.js module. To do this, the module first tries to retrieve the referenced message using the retrieval.js module, and then checks the refrenence against the Whiteflag message schema provided with the protocol. If the message reference is valid, the parameter referenceValid in the metaheader is set to true, and otherwise to false.

The verification of references may be skipped for all incoming and/or outgoing messages by setting the rx.verifyReference and/or tx.verifyReference configuration parameters to false, respectively. This should not be done for operational use.

The reference of certain message types cannot be verified, and reference verification of those message is therefore always skipped:

  • K11 and K12 messages referencing encrypted messages
  • automatically generated outgoing messages

Message Originators

The originator of a Whiteflag message is verified against the list of known originators in the state by the validation.js module. It checks if the blockchain address of incoming messages is known and related to an authenticated originator. If the message originator is valid, the parameter originatorValid in the metaheader is set to true, and otherwise to false.

If the originator cannot be verified and the authentication.strict configuration parameter is set to true, the message is dropped.

The verification of the originator may be skipped for all incoming messages by setting the rx.verifyOriginator configuration parameter to false. This should not be done for operational use.

The originator of certain message types cannot be verified, and originator verification of those message is therefore always skipped:

  • A1 and A2 messages, which are self-authenticing

Handling of Management Messages

The handling of management messages is done by management.js. This includes:

  • further handling of authentication and cryptographic messages as required by the protocol specification after they have been processed in the rx event chain;
  • automatic generation and transmission of messages as required by the protocol specification.

Specifically, this inludes:

  • authentication of originators upon reception of authentication messages
  • automatically sending ECDH public keys after an own authentication message
  • processing received ECDH public keys to compute shared secret
  • automatically sending initialisation vectors with encrypted messages
  • processing received initialisation vectors


The authenticity of an originator is validated with the information from authentication messages. Incoming authentication messages are automatically processed by the management.js module, which passes the authentication information to the authentication.js module for validation.

The API has an endpoint to provide pre-shared secret authentication tokens for authentication method 2.

Validated originators are stored in the Whiteflag protocol state, through the state.js module.


The codec.js module always passes outgoing and incoming message to the crypto.js module for encryption and decryption. If no encryption or decrytpion is required, i.e. when the EncryptionIndicator in the message header is set to 0, the crypto.js just passes the message to the callback.

If the encyrption indicator is set to a valid value, the crypto module encrypts or decrypts the message. The recipientAddress in the MetaHeader is used to determine which encryption secret is to be used as input key material:

  • for encryption method 1 (negotiated key), the ECDH shared secret is used
  • for encryption method 2 (pre-shared key), a pre-shared secret is used

The management.js module automatically sends ECDH public keys to negotiate a shared secret when an authentication message is sent, except when the authentication message is encrypted or sent under duress. The module also handles incoming ECDH public keys.

The API has an endpoint to provide a pre-shared secret key for each originator. Instead of specifing the recipient in the metaheader, the pre-shared key for method 2 may also be provided with the encryptionKeyInput in the metaheader, or otherwise the default key in config/whiteflag.toml is used.

The management.js module automatically sends initialisation vectors with encrypted messages and also manages incoming initialisation vectors.