'use strict';
* @module lib/blockchains/bitcoin/transactions
* @summary Whiteflag API Bitcoin transaction module
* @description Module to process Bitcoin transactions for Whiteflag
module.exports = {
// Bitcoin transaction functions
init: initTransactions,
send: sendTransaction,
get: getTransaction,
// Node.js core and external modules //
const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');
// Whiteflag common functions and classes //
const log = require('../../common/logger');
const { hash } = require('../../common/crypto');
const { ProcessingError } = require('../../common/errors');
// Whiteflag modules //
const wfState = require('../../protocol/state');
// Bitcoin sub-modules //
const bcRpc = require('./rpc');
const bcAccounts = require('./accounts');
// Module constants //
const BINENCODING = 'hex';
const WFINDENTIFIER = '5746';
const OPRETURNSIZE = 80;
const KEYIDLENGTH = 12;
const KILOBYTE = 1024;
const SATOSHI = 100000000;
const P2PKHTXBYTES = 30;
const P2PKHINPUTBUTES = 146;
// Module variables //
let _blockchainName;
let _bcState;
let _transactionFee = 1000;
let _transactionPriority = 0;
let _traceRawTransaction = false;
* Initialises Bitcoin transactions processing
* @function initTransactions
* @alias module:lib/blockchains/bitcoin/transactions.init
* @param {Object} bcConfig the Bitcoin blockchain configuration
* @param {Object} bcState the Bitcoin blockchain state
* @returns {Promise} resolves if completed
function initTransactions(bcConfig, bcState) {
_blockchainName = bcConfig.name;
_bcState = bcState;
log.trace(_blockchainName, 'Initialising Bitcoin transaction processing...');
// Get configuration paramters
if (bcConfig.transactionValue) _transactionFee = bcConfig.transactionValue;
if (bcConfig.transactionPriority) _transactionPriority = bcConfig.transactionPriority;
if (bcConfig.traceRawTransaction) _traceRawTransaction = bcConfig.traceRawTransaction;
// Succesfully completed initialisation
return Promise.resolve();
* Sends an transaction with an embedded Whiteflag message on the Bitcoin blockchain
* @function sendTransaction
* @alias module:lib/blockchains/bitcoin/transactions.sendTransaction
* @param {Object} account the account used to send the transaction
* @param {string} toAddress the address to send the transaction to
* @param {string} amount the amount of funds to be transfered with the transaction
* @param {Buffer} data the data to be embedded in the OP_RETURN of the transaction
* @returns {Promise} resolves to transaction hash
function sendTransaction(account, toAddress, amount, data = null) {
log.trace(_blockchainName, `Sending transaction from account: ${account.address}`);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Check transaction data
if (data && data.length > OPRETURNSIZE) {
return reject(new ProcessingError(`Encoded message size of ${data.length} bytes exceeds maximum size of ${OPRETURNSIZE} bytes`, null, 'WF_API_BAD_REQUEST'));
// Get inputs and create transaction
const inputValue = (Math.max(_transactionFee, (Math.ceil(_bcState.status.feerate * SATOSHI * (500 / KILOBYTE)) + +amount)));
const inputs = getUtxosForTransaction(account, inputValue);
createTransaction(account, toAddress, inputs, +amount, data)
.then(transaction => {
return signTransaction(account, transaction, _bcState.parameters.network);
.then(signedTransaction => {
log.trace(_blockchainName, `Sending signed transaction: ${JSON.stringify(signedTransaction)}`);
const rawTransaction = signedTransaction.toHex();
return bcRpc.sendRawTransaction(rawTransaction);
.then(transactionHash => {
if (transactionHash === null) return reject(new Error('Transaction not processed by node'), null);
bcAccounts.updateUtxosSpent(account, inputs);
.catch(err => reject(new Error(`Error processing transaction: ${err.message}`)));
* Gets a transaction by transaction hash and checks for Whiteflag message
* @private
* @param {string} transactionHash
* @returns {Promise} resolves to a Whiteflag message
function getTransaction(transactionHash) {
log.trace(_blockchainName, `Retrieving transaction: ${transactionHash}`);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(transaction => {
if (!transaction) {
return reject(new Error(`No data received for transaction hash: ${transactionHash}`));
.catch(err => reject(err));
* Extracts Whiteflag message from Bitcoin transaction data
* @param {Object} transaction
* @param {number} blockNumber the block number
* @param {number} timestamp the block or transaction time
* @returns {Promise} resolves to a Whiteflag message
function extractMessage(transaction, blockNumber, timestamp) {
if (_traceRawTransaction) log.trace(_blockchainName, `Extracting Whiteflag message from transaction: ${transaction.hash}`);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
for (let vout of transaction.vout) {
// Check for opreturn
const asm = vout.scriptPubKey.asm;
if (!asm.startsWith(SCRIPTIDENTIFIER)) continue;
// Check for Whiteflag message identifier
const data = asm.substring(SCRIPTIDENTIFIER.length + 1);
if (!data.startsWith(WFINDENTIFIER)) continue;
// Get transaction time
let transactionTime;
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(transaction, 'time')) {
transactionTime = new Date(transaction.time * 1000).toISOString();
} else {
transactionTime = new Date(timestamp * 1000).toISOString();
// Get originator address and public key
const publicKey = transaction.vin[0].scriptSig.asm.split('[ALL] ')[1];
const { address } = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({
pubkey: Buffer.from(publicKey, BINENCODING),
network: _bcState.parameters.network
// Return a new Whiteflag message object
return resolve({
MetaHeader: {
blockchain: _blockchainName,
blockNumber: blockNumber,
transactionHash: transaction.hash,
transactionTime: transactionTime,
originatorAddress: address,
originatorPubKey: publicKey,
encodedMessage: data
return reject(new ProcessingError(`No Whiteflag message data found in transaction: ${transaction.hash}`, null, 'WF_API_NO_DATA'));
* Creates a new Bitcoin transaction
* @private
* @param {Object} account the account used to send the transaction
* @param {string} toAddress the address to send the transaction to
* @param {string} amount the amount of funds to be transfered with the transaction
* @param {Buffer} data the data to be embedded in the OP_RETURN of the transaction
* @returns {Promise} returns to the newly create transaction
function createTransaction(account, toAddress, inputs, amount, data = null) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let outputLength = P2PKHOUTPUTBYTES;
let inputValue = sumUtxos(inputs);
let transaction = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(_bcState.parameters.network);
try {
// Transaction inputs
for (let utxo of inputs) {
transaction.addInput(utxo.txid, +utxo.index);
// Embed data in transaction
if (data !== null) {
const embed = bitcoin.payments.embed({ data: [data] });
transaction.addOutput(embed.output, 0);
outputLength += 2 + data.length;
// Aamount to transfer to other address
if (account.address !== toAddress) {
transaction.addOutput(toAddress, amount);
outputLength += P2PKHOUTPUTBYTES;
} catch(err) {
return reject(new Error(`Could not create transaction: ${err.message}`));
// Unspent funds go back to account address, minus transaction fee
const transactionSize = (inputs.length * P2PKHINPUTBUTES) + (outputLength) + P2PKHTXBYTES;
.then(transactionFee => {
const returnValue = (inputValue - (amount + transactionFee));
// This should not happen, but double check if not enough inputs value
if (returnValue < 0) {
return reject(new ProcessingError(`Could not create transaction: expected transaction fee of ${transactionFee} satoshis is too high for the selected input UTXOs`), null, 'WF_API_RESOURCE_CONFLICT');
// Only add output if return value is larger than 0
if (returnValue > 0) {
transaction.addOutput(account.address, returnValue);
return resolve(transaction);
.catch(err => reject(new Error(`Could not create transaction: ${err.message}`)));
* Signs a transacton
* @private
* @param {Object} transaction the transaction to sign
* @param {Object} account the account making the transaction
* @param {Object} bcNetwork the Bitcoin network parameters
* @returns {Promise} resolves to the signed raw transaction
function signTransaction(account, transaction, bcNetwork) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const privateKeyId = hash(_blockchainName + account.address, KEYIDLENGTH);
wfState.getKey('blockchainKeys', privateKeyId, function bcGetKeyCb(err, privateKey) {
if (err) return reject(err);
// Get keys in the correct encoding and sign inputs
const privateKeyBuffer = Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex');
const keyPair = bitcoin.ECPair.fromPrivateKey(privateKeyBuffer, { network: bcNetwork });
for (let i = 0; i < transaction.__TX.ins.length; i++) {
transaction.sign(i, keyPair);
return resolve(transaction.build());
* Determines the fee for a new transaction in satoshis
* @private
* @param {string} transactionHash
* @returns {Promise} resolves to transaction fee
function calculateTransactionFee(transactionSize) {
// Use fixed rate if no priority given
if (!_transactionPriority) {
return Promise.resolve(_transactionFee);
// Try to estimate fee based on priority
return bcRpc.getFeeRate(_transactionPriority)
.then(estimate => {
const estimatedFee = Math.ceil((estimate.feerate * SATOSHI) * (transactionSize / KILOBYTE));
// Use estimated fee if higher than configured transaction fee
return Promise.resolve(Math.max(_transactionFee, estimatedFee));
.catch(err => {
// Try to estimate with previously retrieved fee rate, and use that if higher than configured fee
log.warn(_blockchainName, `Could not determine actual transaction fee rate: ${err.message}`);
const estimatedFee = Math.ceil((_bcState.status.feerate * SATOSHI) * (transactionSize / KILOBYTE));
return Promise.resolve(Math.max(_transactionFee, estimatedFee));
* Returns the total value of an UTXO list
* @private
* @param {Array} utxoInputList list of UTXOs
* @returns {number} the total value of the UTXOs in the list
function sumUtxos(utxoList) {
return utxoList.reduce((accumulator, utxo) => {
return accumulator + utxo.value;
}, 0);
* Returns a list of unspent UTXOs of the specified account that meets or exceeds the required amount
* @private
* @param {Object} account the account making the transaction
* @param {number} transactionValue the total value of the transaction including expected fee
* @returns {Array} list of unspent UTXOs providing the required amount
function getUtxosForTransaction(account, transactionValue) {
let unspentUtxos = [];
let totalValue = 0;
for (let utxo of account.utxos) {
if (!utxo.spent) unspentUtxos.push(utxo);
totalValue += utxo.value;
if (totalValue < transactionValue || unspentUtxos.length < 1) {
throw new ProcessingError(`There are only ${totalValue} satoshis available, but the transaction requires ${transactionValue}`, null, 'WF_API_RESOURCE_CONFLICT');
unspentUtxos.sort((a, b) => {
return a.value - b.value;
return getUtxoInputs(unspentUtxos, transactionValue);
* Returns a subset of the provided unspent UTXOs that meets or exceeds the required amount
* @private
* @param {Array} unspentUtxos list of unspent UTXOs
* @param {number} transactionValue the total value of the transaction including expected fee
* @returns {Array} list of unspent UTXOs providing the required amount
function getUtxoInputs(unspentUtxos, transactionValue) {
let utxoInputs = [];
let totalInput = 0;
for (let utxo of unspentUtxos) {
totalInput += utxo.value;
if (totalInput >= transactionValue) {
return utxoInputs;
return utxoInputs;