Source: blockchains/common.js

'use strict';
 * @module lib/blockchains/common
 * @summary Whiteflag API common blockchains module
 * @description Module for common blockchain functions
module.exports = {

// Node.js core and external modules //
const KeyEncoder = require('key-encoder').default;
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');

// Whiteflag common functions and classes //
const log = require('../common/logger');

 * Returns an empty blockchain state
 * @function getEmptyState
 * @returns {Object} An empty blockchain state
function getEmptyState() {
    return {
        parameters: {},
        status: {},
        accounts: []

 * Determines the starting block for a blockchain listener
 * @function determineStartingBlock
 * @alias module:lib/blockchains/common.determineStartingBlock
 * @param {number} highestBlock the highest known block of the blockchain
 * @param {number} currentBlock the block currently being the latest processed
 * @param {number} startingBlock the block  where the listener should start
 * @param {number} rewindBlocks the number of blocks to look back from highest block
 * @returns {number} the starting block
function determineStartingBlock(highestBlock = 0, currentBlock = 0, startingBlock = 0, rewindBlocks = 0) {
    if (startingBlock > 0) return (startingBlock - 1);
    if ((highestBlock - rewindBlocks) > (currentBlock + 1)) {
        return (highestBlock - rewindBlocks - 1);
    if (currentBlock > 0) return (currentBlock);
    if (highestBlock > 0) return (highestBlock - 1);
    return 1;

 * Logs where the listener will start next
 * @function logStartingBlock
 * @alias module:lib/blockchains/common.logStartingBlock
 * @param {number} blockCursor block pointer
 * @param {number} highestBlock the highest known block
function logStartingBlock(blockchainName, blockCursor, highestBlock) {
    let nextBlock = blockCursor + 1;
    let arrearBlocks = highestBlock - nextBlock;
    if (arrearBlocks < 0) {, `Resuming with next block: ${nextBlock} (when node catches up from its current highest block ${highestBlock})`);
    } else {, `Resuming with next block: ${nextBlock} (${arrearBlocks} blocks behind the highest known block ${highestBlock})`);

 * Creates a JSON Web Signature (JWS) with a private blockchain key
 * @function createSignature
 * @alias module:lib/blockchains/common.createSignature
 * @param {Object} payload the payload to be signed
 * @param {string} privateKeyType the hexadecimal private blockchain key
 * @param {string} signKeyType the type of privatye blockchain key
 * @param {string} signAlgorithm the siging algorithm
 * @rteurn {Object} a flattened JSON Web Signature (JWS) serialisaton
function createSignature(payload, privateKey, privateKeyType, signAlgorithm) {
    // Flattened JWS data structure
    let jws = {
        protected: '',
        payload: '',
        signature: ''
    // Create JSON Web Signature (JWS)
    const keyEncoder = new KeyEncoder(privateKeyType);
    const signKey = keyEncoder.encodePrivate(privateKey, 'raw', 'pem');
    const jwsArray = jwt.sign(payload, signKey, { algorithm: signAlgorithm }).split('.');

    // Create and return flattend JSON serialization of JWS
    jws.protected = jwsArray[0];
    jws.payload = jwsArray[1];
    jws.signature = jwsArray[2];
    return jws;