'use strict';
* @module lib/protocol/codec
* @summary Whiteflag message encoding and decoding module
* @description Module for Whiteflag message encoding and decoding
* @tutorial modules
* @tutorial protocol
module.exports = {
// Codec functions
encode: encodeMessage,
decode: decodeMessage,
// Verification functions
// Node.js core and external modules //
const fs = require('fs');
const jsonValidate = require('jsonschema').validate;
// Whiteflag common functions and classes //
const array = require('../common/arrays');
const object = require('../common/objects');
const { type } = require('../common/protocol');
const { ProcessingError, ProtocolError } = require('../common/errors');
// Whiteflag modules //
const wfCrypto = require('./crypto');
// Module constants //
const BYTELENGTH = 8;
const BINENCODING = 'hex';
const wfMessageSchema = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./static/protocol/message.schema.json'));
* Checks if message formate validates against schema and updates metaheader accordingly
* @function verifyFormat
* @alias module:lib/protocol/codec.verifyFormat
* @param {wfMessage} wfMessage a Whiteflag message
* @param {function(Error, wfMessage)} callback function to be called upon completion
function verifyFormat(wfMessage, callback) {
// Check for metaheader
if (!wfMessage.MetaHeader) {
return callback(new ProtocolError('Missing metaheader', null, 'WF_METAHEADER_ERROR'), wfMessage);
// Validate message format
let formatErrors = [];
try {
// Check against schema
formatErrors = formatErrors.concat(
array.pluck(jsonValidate(wfMessage, wfMessageSchema).errors, 'stack')
// Check field vaues
formatErrors = array.addArray(formatErrors, verifyValues(wfMessage));
} catch(err) {
return callback(err, wfMessage);
// Check for format errors, update metaheader and return result
if (formatErrors.length > 0) {
wfMessage.MetaHeader.formatValid = false;
return callback(new ProtocolError('Invalid message format', formatErrors, 'WF_FORMAT_ERROR'), wfMessage);
wfMessage.MetaHeader.formatValid = true;
return callback(null, wfMessage);
* Encodes a json formatted message to binary format and updates metaheader accordingly
* @function encodeMessage
* @alias lib/protocol/codec.encode
* @param {wfMessage} wfMessage a Whiteflag message
* @param {function(Error, wfMessage)} callback function to be called upon completion
function encodeMessage(wfMessage, callback) {
// Validate message format
verifyFormat(wfMessage, function encodeVerifyFormatCb(err, wfMessage) {
if (err) return callback(err, wfMessage);
// Split into message header and body
const { MessageHeader: header, MessageBody: body } = wfMessage;
// Encode message header (generic for all message types):
// Create character string representing the binary encoding of the header
let headerBinStr = (
encodeUTF2BinStr(header.Prefix, 16) +
encodeUTF2BinStr(header.Version, 8) +
encodeUTF2BinStr(header.EncryptionIndicator, 8) +
encodeBDX2BinStr(header.DuressIndicator, 1) +
encodeUTF2BinStr(header.MessageCode, 8) +
encodeBDX2BinStr(header.ReferenceIndicator, 4) +
encodeBDX2BinStr(header.ReferencedMessage, 256)
// Encode message body (message type specific):
// Create character string representing the binary encoding of the body
let messageType = header.MessageCode;
let encodingBody = body;
let testBinStr = '';
let bodyBinStr = '';
let requestObjectsBinStr = '';
// Check if test message
if (header.MessageCode === 'T') {
messageType = body.PseudoMessageCode;
encodingBody = body.PseudoMessageBody;
testBinStr = encodeUTF2BinStr(body.PseudoMessageCode, 8);
// Encode message body for each (pseudo) message type
switch (messageType) {
case 'A': {
bodyBinStr = (
encodeBDX2BinStr(encodingBody.VerificationMethod, 4) +
encodeUTF2BinStr(encodingBody.VerificationData, 0)
case 'K': {
bodyBinStr = (
encodeBDX2BinStr(encodingBody.CryptoDataType, 8) +
encodeBDX2BinStr(encodingBody.CryptoData, (encodingBody.CryptoData.length * 4))
case 'Q': {
if (encodingBody.requestObjects) {
encodingBody.requestObjects.forEach(requestObject => {
requestObjectsBinStr = (
requestObjectsBinStr +
encodeBDX2BinStr(requestObject.ObjectType, 8) +
encodeBDX2BinStr(requestObject.ObjectTypeQuant, 8)
// fallthrough //
case 'P':
case 'D':
case 'S':
case 'E':
case 'I':
case 'M': {
bodyBinStr = (
encodeBDX2BinStr(encodingBody.SubjectCode, 8) +
encodeDatum2BinStr(encodingBody.DateTime) +
encodeDatum2BinStr(encodingBody.Duration) +
encodeBDX2BinStr(encodingBody.ObjectType, 8) +
encodeDatum2BinStr(encodingBody.ObjectLatitude) +
encodeDatum2BinStr(encodingBody.ObjectLongitude) +
encodeBDX2BinStr(encodingBody.ObjectSizeDim1, 16) +
encodeBDX2BinStr(encodingBody.ObjectSizeDim2, 16) +
encodeBDX2BinStr(encodingBody.ObjectOrientation, 12) +
case 'R': {
bodyBinStr = (
encodeBDX2BinStr(encodingBody.ResourceMethod, 4) +
encodeUTF2BinStr(encodingBody.ResourceData, 0)
case 'F': {
bodyBinStr = encodeUTF2BinStr(encodingBody.Text, 0);
case 'T': {
return callback(new ProcessingError(`Embedding of pseudo message type ${messageType} not implemented`, null, 'WF_API_NOT_IMPLEMENTED'), wfMessage);
default: {
return callback(new ProtocolError(`Invalid message type: ${messageType}`), wfMessage);
// Add encoded pseudo message code for test messages
bodyBinStr = testBinStr + bodyBinStr;
// Concatinate binary representation of header and body
const encodedMessage = encodeBinStr2Buffer(headerBinStr + bodyBinStr);
// Encrypt binary encoded message
wfCrypto.encrypt(wfMessage, encodedMessage, function encodeEncryptCb(err, wfMessage) {
if (err) return callback(err, wfMessage);
return callback(null, wfMessage);
* Decodes binary message to validated json object and updates metaheader accordingly
* @function decodeMessage
* @alias lib/protocol/codec.decode
* @param {wfMessage} wfMessage Whiteflag message with encoded message string in MetaHeader
* @param {function(Error, wfMessage, ivMissing)} callback
* @typedef {boolean} ivMissing indicates whether initialisation vector for decryption is missing
function decodeMessage(wfMessage, callback) {
// Check metaheader and encoded message
if (!wfMessage.MetaHeader) {
return callback(new ProtocolError('Missing metaheader', null, 'WF_METAHEADER_ERROR'), wfMessage);
if (!wfMessage.MetaHeader.encodedMessage) {
return callback(new ProtocolError('No encoded message in metaheader', null, 'WF_METAHEADER_ERROR'), wfMessage);
// Create character string of the binary representation
const encryptedMessage = Buffer.from(wfMessage.MetaHeader.encodedMessage, BINENCODING);
let messageBinStr = decodeBin2BinStr(encryptedMessage);
// Create empty message header and body objects
wfMessage.MessageHeader = {};
wfMessage.MessageBody = {};
// Decoding of first part of message header
let { MessageHeader: header } = wfMessage;
header.Prefix = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 0, 16, 'utf');
if (header.Prefix !== 'WF') {
return callback(new ProtocolError('Encoded message does not have WF prefix', null, 'WF_FORMAT_ERROR'), wfMessage);
header.Version = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 16, 24, 'utf');
header.EncryptionIndicator = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 24, 32, 'utf');
// Check decryption data
switch (header.EncryptionIndicator) {
case '1':
case '2': {
// Check initialisation Vector
if (!wfMessage.MetaHeader.encryptionInitVector) {
return callback(null, wfMessage, true);
default: break;
// Decrypt message
wfCrypto.decrypt(wfMessage, encryptedMessage, function decodeDecryptCb(err, decryptedMessage) {
if (err) return callback(err, wfMessage);
// Replace binary string with decrypted one
messageBinStr = decodeBin2BinStr(decryptedMessage);
// Determine message type
header.MessageCode = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 33, 41, 'utf');
let messageType = header.MessageCode;
// Message body
let { MessageBody: body } = wfMessage;
let decodingBody = {};
// Check if test message
let p = 0;
if (header.MessageCode === 'T') {
body.PseudoMessageCode = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 301, 309, 'utf').toUpperCase();
messageType = body.PseudoMessageCode;
p = 8;
// Decoding of message body
const messageLength = messageBinStr.length - BYTELENGTH;
switch (messageType) {
case 'A': {
decodingBody.VerificationMethod = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 301 + p, 305 + p, 'hex').toUpperCase();
decodingBody.VerificationData = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 305 + p, messageLength, 'utf');
case 'K': {
decodingBody.CryptoDataType = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 301 + p, 309 + p, 'hex').toUpperCase();
decodingBody.CryptoData = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 309 + p, (messageLength + 4), 'hex');
case 'P':
case 'D':
case 'S':
case 'E':
case 'I':
case 'M':
case 'Q': {
decodingBody.SubjectCode = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 301 + p, 309 + p, 'hex').toUpperCase();
decodingBody.DateTime = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 309 + p, 365 + p, 'datetime');
decodingBody.Duration = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 365 + p, 389 + p, 'duration');
decodingBody.ObjectType = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 389 + p, 397 + p, 'hex').toUpperCase();
decodingBody.ObjectLatitude = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 397 + p, 426 + p, 'lat');
decodingBody.ObjectLongitude = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 426 + p, 459 + p, 'long');
decodingBody.ObjectSizeDim1 = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 459 + p, 475 + p, 'dec');
decodingBody.ObjectSizeDim2 = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 475 + p, 491 + p, 'dec');
decodingBody.ObjectOrientation = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 491 + p, 503 + p, 'dec');
if (header.MessageCode === 'Q') {
decodingBody.requestObjects = [];
for (let b = 503 + p; b <= messageLength; b += (2 * BYTELENGTH)) {
let requestObject = {};
requestObject.ObjectType = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, b, (b + 8), 'hex').toUpperCase();
requestObject.ObjectTypeQuant = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, (b + 8), (b + 16), 'dec');
case 'R': {
decodingBody.ResourceMethod = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 301 + p, 305 + p, 'hex').toUpperCase();
decodingBody.ResourceData = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 305 + p, messageLength, 'utf');
case 'F': {
decodingBody.Text = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 301 + p, messageLength, 'utf');
case 'T': {
return callback(new ProcessingError(`Embedding of pseudo message type ${messageType} not implemented`, null, 'WF_API_NOT_IMPLEMENTED'), wfMessage, false);
default: {
if (header.EncryptionIndicator !== '0') {
header.MessageCode = null;
return callback(new ProtocolError('Decryption did not result in valid data; maybe wrong key or message intended for a different recipient', null, 'WF_ENCRYPTION_ERROR'), wfMessage);
return callback(new ProtocolError(`Invalid message type: ${messageType}`), wfMessage);
// Further decoding of message header
header.DuressIndicator = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 32, 33, 'bin');
header.ReferenceIndicator = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 41, 45, 'hex').toUpperCase();
header.ReferencedMessage = decodeBinStr(messageBinStr, 45, 301, 'hex');
// Message Nody
if (header.MessageCode === 'T') {
body.PseudoMessageBody = decodingBody;
} else {
object.update(decodingBody, body);
// Validate message format and return message
verifyFormat(wfMessage, function decodeVerifyFormatCb(err, wfMessage) {
if (err) return callback(err, wfMessage);
return callback(null, wfMessage, false);
* Checks if message content is compliant with the WF specification
* @private
* @param {wfMessage} wfMessage a Whiteflag message
* @returns {Array} content errors
function verifyValues(wfMessage) {
// Split message, get specification and prepare error array
const { MessageHeader: header, MessageBody: body } = wfMessage;
const wfSpec = wfMessageSchema.specifications;
let contentErrors = [];
// Find correct message type
const mesageTypeIndex = wfSpec.MessageCode.findIndex(
mesageCode => mesageCode.const === header.MessageCode
if (mesageTypeIndex < 0) {
return contentErrors.push(`Cannot validate values for non-existing message type: ${header.MessageCode}`);
const messageType = wfSpec.MessageCode[mesageTypeIndex];
// CHECK 1A: is the object code valid?
let objectTypeIndex;
if (body.ObjectType) {
objectTypeIndex = wfSpec.ObjectType.findIndex(
ObjectType => ObjectType.const === body.ObjectType
if (objectTypeIndex < 0) {
contentErrors.push(`Object code is not valid: ${body.ObjectType}`);
// CHECK 1B: is the subject code valid?
if (body.SubjectCode) {
const subjectCodeIndex = messageType.SubjectCode.findIndex(
SubjectCode => SubjectCode.const === body.SubjectCode
if (subjectCodeIndex < 0) {
contentErrors.push(`Subject code is not defined for ${header.MessageCode} messages: ${body.SubjectCode}`);
} else {
// CHECK 1C: may subject code be used for this object type?
const allowedObjectIndex = messageType.SubjectCode[subjectCodeIndex].allowedObjectTypes.findIndex(
objectCat => objectCat === body.ObjectType.slice(0, -1) + '*'
if (allowedObjectIndex < 0) {
contentErrors.push(`Object type ${body.ObjectType} cannot be used in ${type(wfMessage)} messages`);
// Evaluate and return result
return contentErrors;
* Converts a string with characters representing Binary, Decimal and Hexadecimal values
* to a character string representing their the binary encoding
* @private
* @param {string} fieldStr unencoded/uncompressed field value
* @param {number} nBits size of field in compressed binary encoding in bits
* @returns {string} representation of the binary encoding of the field
function encodeBDX2BinStr(fieldStr, nBits) {
const padding = Math.ceil(nBits / fieldStr.length);
const padbits = new Array(padding).join('0');
let binStr = '';
// Run through characters of the string and convert to binary one by one
// Treating all integers as hexadecimals always results in correct binary encoding
for (let i = 0; i < fieldStr.length; i++) {
let binCNum = parseInt(fieldStr[i], 16).toString(2);
binStr += (padbits + binCNum).slice(-padding);
return binStr;
* Converts a string of 1-byte UTF-8 characters to a character string
* representing the binary encoding of 8-bit bytes
* @private
* @param {*} fieldStr unencoded/uncompressed field value
* @param {*} nBits size of field in compressed binary encoding in bits
* @returns {string} representation of the binary encoding of the field
function encodeUTF2BinStr(fieldStr, nBits) {
const padbits = new Array(BYTELENGTH).join('0');
let binStr = '';
// Run through characters of the string and convert to binary one by one
for (let i = 0; i < fieldStr.length; i++) {
let binChar = fieldStr[i].charCodeAt(0).toString(2);
binStr += (padbits + binChar).slice(-BYTELENGTH);
// Add 0s to fill all nBits of the field with UTF-8 NULL character, unless nBits = 0
if (nBits === 0) return binStr;
let nullstr = new Array(nBits - binStr.length).join('0');
return (binStr + nullstr);
* Converts a string with datetime, time periode and lat long coordinates
* to a character string representing the binary encoding
* @private
* @param {string} fieldStr unencoded/uncompressed field value
* @returns {string} representation of the binary encoding of the field
function encodeDatum2BinStr(fieldStr) {
let sign = '';
// Sign of lat long coordinates
if (fieldStr.charAt(0) === '-') sign = '0';
if (fieldStr.charAt(0) === '+') sign = '1';
// Prepare string by removing fixed characters
const fieldStrCl = fieldStr.replace(/[-+:.A-Z]/g, '');
// Run through characters of the string and convert to binary one by one
const padding = 4;
const padbits = new Array(padding).join('0');
let binStr = '';
for (let i = 0; i < fieldStrCl.length; i++) {
let binCNum = parseInt(fieldStrCl[i], 10).toString(2);
binStr += (padbits + binCNum).slice(-padding);
return (sign + binStr);
* Converts a character string representing the binary encoding to a buffer
* @private
* @param {string} binStr representation of the binary encoding
* @returns {buffer} binary ncoding
function encodeBinStr2Buffer(binStr) {
// Split the string in an array of strings representing 8-bit bytes
const regexBytes = new RegExp('.{1,' + BYTELENGTH + '}', 'g');
let binStrArr = binStr.match(regexBytes);
// Add trailing 0s to fill last byte
const lastbyte = binStrArr.length - 1;
const trailzero = new Array(BYTELENGTH - binStrArr[lastbyte].length + 1).join('0');
binStrArr[lastbyte] += trailzero;
// Convert the character string with binary representation to a binary buffer of 8-bit words
const buf = Buffer.alloc(binStrArr.length);
for (let i = 0; i < binStrArr.length; i++) {
buf[i] = parseInt(binStrArr[i], 2);
return buf;
* Converts a binary buffer/array to a character string representation
* of the binary encoding of a message
* @private
* @param {buffer} BufArr binary encoding of a message
* @returns {string} representation of the binary encoding
function decodeBin2BinStr(BufArr) {
const padbits = new Array(BYTELENGTH).join('0');
let binStr = '';
// Run through characters of the string and convert to binary one by one
for (let i = 0; i < BufArr.length; i++) {
let binChars = BufArr[i].toString(2);
binStr += (padbits + binChars).slice(-BYTELENGTH);
return binStr;
* Converts a substring of the character string representation
* of the binary encoding of a message to the uncompressed field value
* @private
* @param {*} binStr representation of the binary encoding
* @param {*} beginBit position in string from where to convert
* @param {*} endBit position in string before which conversion stops
* @param {*} type 'utf', 'bin', 'dec', 'hex', 'datetime', 'duration', 'lat', 'long'
* @returns {string} decoded/uncompressed field value
function decodeBinStr(binStr, beginBit, endBit, type) {
let i = 0;
let fieldStr = '';
// Perform conversion, depending on used binary encoding
switch (type) {
case 'utf': {
// Run through bytes of the substring and convert to UTF-8 one by one
for (i = beginBit; i < endBit; i += BYTELENGTH) {
fieldStr += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(binStr.substring(i, i + BYTELENGTH), 2));
case 'bin': {
// Run through 1-bit binary values and convert to characters one by one
for (i = beginBit; i < endBit; i++) {
fieldStr += parseInt(binStr.charAt(i), 2).toString(2);
case 'lat':
case 'long': {
// Convert the first bit of lat long coordinates into sign
if (parseInt(binStr.charAt(beginBit), 2) === 0) fieldStr = '-';
if (parseInt(binStr.charAt(beginBit), 2) === 1) fieldStr = '+';
// Make sure BCD decoding below skips the sign bit; no break needed here!
// fallthrough //
case 'dec':
case 'datetime':
case 'duration': {
// Run through 4-bit BCDs in the substring and convert to characters one by one
for (i = beginBit; i < endBit; i += 4) {
fieldStr += parseInt(binStr.substring(i, i + 4), 2).toString();
case 'hex': {
// Run through 4-bit HCDs in the substring and convert to characters one by one
for (i = beginBit; i < endBit; i += 4) {
fieldStr += parseInt(binStr.substring(i, i + 4), 2).toString(16);
default: {
throw new Error(`Internal Coding Error: wrong decoding type provided to decodeBinStr: ${type}`);
// Re-insert fixed characters for certain field types i.a.w. specification
switch (type) {
case 'datetime':
fieldStr = [
fieldStr.slice(0, 4), '-',
fieldStr.slice(4, 6), '-',
fieldStr.slice(6, 8), 'T',
fieldStr.slice(8, 10), ':',
fieldStr.slice(10, 12), ':',
fieldStr.slice(12), 'Z'
case 'duration':
fieldStr = [
fieldStr.slice(0, 2), 'D',
fieldStr.slice(2, 4), 'H',
fieldStr.slice(4), 'M'
case 'lat':
fieldStr = [fieldStr.slice(0, 3), '.', fieldStr.slice(3)].join('');
case 'long':
fieldStr = [fieldStr.slice(0, 4), '.', fieldStr.slice(4)].join('');
return fieldStr;