Source: protocol/management.js

'use strict';
 * @module  lib/protocol/management
 * @summary Whiteflag protocol management module
 * @description Module for the processing of Whiteflag management messages
 * @tutorial modules
 * @tutorial protocol
module.exports = {
    // Management messages functions
    init: initManagement

// Whiteflag common functions and classes //
const log = require('../common/logger');
const { hash } = require('../common/crypto');
const { type } = require('../common/protocol');
const { ProcessingError, ProtocolError } = require('../common/errors');

// Whiteflag modules //
const wfState = require('./state');
const wfCrypto = require('./crypto');
const wfRetrieve = require('./retrieve');
const wfAuthenticate = require('./authenticate');

// Whiteflag event emitters //
const wfRxEvent = require('./events').rxEvent;
const wfTxEvent = require('./events').txEvent;

// Module constants //
const MODULELOG = 'protocol';
const KEYIDLENGTH = 12;
const IV1DATATYPE = '11';
const IV2DATATYPE = '21';

 * Initialises processing of management messages
 * @function init
 * @alias module:lib/protocol/management.init
 * @param {function(Error)} callback function to be called upon completion
function initManagement(callback) {
     * Listener for received management messages
     * @listens module:lib/protocol/receive.rxEvent:messageProcessed
     * @param {wfMessage} wfMessage a Whiteflag message
    wfRxEvent.on('messageProcessed', receivedMessage);
     * Listener for encrypted messages without initialisation vectors
     * @listens module:lib/protocol/events.rxEvent:messageSent
     * @param {wfMessage} wfMessage a Whiteflag message
    wfTxEvent.on('messageProcessed', sentMessage);

    // Invoke callback after binding all events to listeners/handlers
    return callback(null);

 * Passes received management messages to correct handlers
 * @private
 * @param {wfMessage} wfMessage a Whiteflag message
function receivedMessage(wfMessage) {
    // Check required actions for specific received message types
    switch (wfMessage.MessageHeader.MessageCode) {
        case AUTHMESSAGECODE: {
            switch (wfMessage.MessageBody.CryptoDataType) {
                case IV1DATATYPE:
                case IV2DATATYPE: {
                    // Initialisation Vector for Encryption Types 1 and 2
                case ECDHPUBKEYDATATYPE: {
                    // ECDH Public Key
                default: break;
        default: return;

 * Triggers correct management message handlers after a message has been sent
 * @private
 * @param {wfMessage} wfMessage a Whiteflag message
function sentMessage(wfMessage) {
    // All message types require K message for init vector if encrypted

    // Check required post transmission actions for specific message types
    switch (wfMessage.MessageHeader.MessageCode) {
        case AUTHMESSAGECODE: {
            // ECDH public key is automatically sent after an authentication message
        default: return;

 * Processes received authentication message for verification method 1
 * @private
 * @param {Object} wfAuthMessage Whiteflag authentication message
 * @emits module:lib/protocol/events.rxEvent:messageUpdated
function receiveAuthenticationData(wfAuthMessage) {
    switch (wfAuthMessage.MessageHeader.ReferenceIndicator) {
        case '0':
        case '2': {
            // Original and update message
            log.trace(MODULELOG, `Received ${type(wfAuthMessage)} message: Verifying originator authentication data`);
            wfAuthenticate.verify(wfAuthMessage, function mgmtVerifyAuthCb(err, wfAuthMessage) {
                if (err) {
                    if (err instanceof ProtocolError) {
                        if (err.causes) {
                            log.debug(MODULELOG, `Could not verify received ${type(wfAuthMessage)} message ${wfAuthMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash}: ${err.message}: ` + JSON.stringify(err.causes));
                        } else {
                            log.debug(MODULELOG, `Could not verify received ${type(wfAuthMessage)} message ${wfAuthMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash}: ${err.message}`);
                    } else {
                        log.warn(MODULELOG, `Could not verify received ${type(wfAuthMessage)} message ${wfAuthMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash}: ${err.message}`);
                wfRxEvent.emit('messageUpdated', wfAuthMessage);
        case '1':
        case '4': {
            // Recall and discontinue message
            log.trace(MODULELOG, `Received ${type(wfAuthMessage)} message: Removing originator authentication data`);
            wfAuthenticate.remove(wfAuthMessage, function mgmtRemoveAuthCb(err, wfAuthMessage) {
                if (err) {
                    if (err instanceof ProtocolError) {
                        if (err.causes) {
                            log.debug(MODULELOG, `Could not verify received ${type(wfAuthMessage)} message ${wfAuthMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash}: ${err.message}: ` + JSON.stringify(err.causes));
                        } else {
                            log.debug(MODULELOG, `Could not verify received ${type(wfAuthMessage)} message ${wfAuthMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash}: ${err.message}`);
                    } else {
                        log.warn(MODULELOG, `Could not update originator state after receiving ${type(wfAuthMessage)} message ${wfAuthMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash}: ${err.message}`);
                wfRxEvent.emit('messageUpdated', wfAuthMessage);
        case '3': {
            // Additional information is currently not implemented
        default: return;

 * Processes received initialisation vector
 * @private
 * @param {Object} wfCryptoMessage Whiteflag crypto message with initialisation vector
function receiveInitVector(wfCryptoMessage) {
    const blockchain = wfCryptoMessage.MetaHeader.blockchain;
    const transactionHash = wfCryptoMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash;
    const referencedMessage = wfCryptoMessage.MessageHeader.ReferencedMessage;
    const initVector = wfCryptoMessage.MessageBody.CryptoData;

    switch (wfCryptoMessage.MessageHeader.ReferenceIndicator) {
        case '0': {
            // Original: stand-alone iv does nothing
        case '1':
        case '4': {
            // Recall or Discontinue: remove iv from queue
            log.trace(MODULELOG, `Received ${type(wfCryptoMessage)} message ${wfCryptoMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash}: Removing initialisation vector from queue`);
            wfState.removeQueueData('initVectors', 'transactionHash', referencedMessage);
        case '2': {
            // Update iv if on queue
            log.trace(MODULELOG, `Received ${type(wfCryptoMessage)} message ${wfCryptoMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash}: Updating initialisation vector on queue`);
            wfState.getQueueData('initVectors', 'transactionHash', referencedMessage, function mgmtUpdateInitVectorCb(err, ivObject) {
                if (err) log.warn(MODULELOG, `Error getting initialisation vector from queue: ${err.message}`);
                if (ivObject) {
                    ivObject.initVector = initVector;
                    wfState.upsertQueueData('initVectors', 'transactionHash', ivObject);
        case '3': {
            // Add: iv is part of the encrypted message it references
            log.trace(MODULELOG, `Received ${type(wfCryptoMessage)} message ${wfCryptoMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash} with initialisation vector`);
            wfRetrieve.getMessage(referencedMessage, blockchain, function mgmtGetMessageInitVectorCb(err, wfMessages) {
                if (err && !(err instanceof ProcessingError)) {
                    log.warn(MODULELOG, `${err.message}`);

                // No message found; put iv on queue
                if (!wfMessages || !Array.isArray(wfMessages) || wfMessages.length === 0) {
                    const ivObject = {
                    wfState.upsertQueueData('initVectors', 'referencedMessage', ivObject);
                    log.trace(MODULELOG, `Initialisation vector for message ${referencedMessage} put on queue: ` + JSON.stringify(ivObject));
                // Found message in database or on blockchain
                if (wfMessages.length > 0) {
                    const wfMessage = wfMessages[0];

                    // No need to decrypt if messages is sent and already has an init vector
                    if (
                        wfMessage.MetaHeader.transceiveDirection === 'TX'
                        && wfMessage.MetaHeader.encryptionInitVector
                    ) {
                    // Add initialistion vector to message and trigger further processing
                    log.trace(MODULELOG, `Found encrypted message matching incoming initialisation vector: ${wfMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash}`);
                    wfMessage.MetaHeader.encryptionInitVector = initVector;
                    return wfRxEvent.emit('messageReceived', wfMessage);
        default: return;

 * Sends an initialisation vector after an encrypted message
 * @private
 * @param {wfMessage} wfMessage a Whiteflag message
 * @emits _txEvent:messageCommitted
function sendInitVector(wfMessage) {
    // Check encryption indicator
    let cryptoDataType;
    switch (wfMessage.MessageHeader.EncryptionIndicator) {
        case '1': {
            cryptoDataType = IV1DATATYPE;
        case '2': {
            cryptoDataType = IV2DATATYPE;
        default: return;
    // Check initialisation vector and build K message
    if (wfMessage.MetaHeader.encryptionInitVector) {
        const wfCryptoMessage = {
            'MetaHeader': {
                'autoGenerated': true,
                'blockchain': wfMessage.MetaHeader.blockchain,
                'originatorAddress': wfMessage.MetaHeader.originatorAddress
            'MessageHeader': {
                'Prefix': 'WF',
                'Version': wfMessage.MessageHeader.Version,
                'EncryptionIndicator': '0',
                'DuressIndicator': '0',
                'MessageCode': CRYPTOMESSAGECODE,
                'ReferenceIndicator': '3',
                'ReferencedMessage': wfMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash
            'MessageBody': {
                'CryptoDataType': cryptoDataType,
                'CryptoData': wfMessage.MetaHeader.encryptionInitVector
        // Commit the crypto message to the tx event chain
        log.debug(MODULELOG, `Sending ${type(wfCryptoMessage)} message with initialisation vector for ${type(wfMessage)} message: ${wfMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash}`);
        return wfTxEvent.emit('messageCommitted', wfCryptoMessage);

 * Processes received ECDH public key
 * @private
 * @param {Object} wfCryptoMessage Whiteflag crypto message with ECDH public key
function receiveECDHpublicKey(wfCryptoMessage) {
    // Paramaters
    const blockchain = wfCryptoMessage.MetaHeader.blockchain;
    const originatorAddress = wfCryptoMessage.MetaHeader.originatorAddress;
    const originatorECDHpubKey = wfCryptoMessage.MessageBody.CryptoData;

    wfState.getOriginatorData(originatorAddress, function mgmtGetOriginatorCb(err, originator) {
        if (err) return log.error(MODULELOG, `Received ${type(wfCryptoMessage)} message ${wfCryptoMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash} but could not get originator state to compute shared secret: ${err.message}`);

        // Check reference indicator
        switch (wfCryptoMessage.MessageHeader.ReferenceIndicator) {
            case '0':
            case '2': {
                // Store the ECDH public key
                log.trace(MODULELOG, `Received ${type(wfCryptoMessage)} message ${wfCryptoMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash} with ECDH public key from address ${originatorAddress}`);
                if (originator) {
                    // Known origintaor
                    originator.ecdhPublicKey = originatorECDHpubKey;
                } else {
                    // Unknown originator
                    const newOriginator = {
                        name: '',
                        blockchain: blockchain,
                        address: originatorAddress,
                        originatorPubKey: null,
                        ecdhPublicKey: originatorECDHpubKey,
                        url: null,
                        authTokenId: '',
                        authenticationValid: false,
                        authenticationMessages: []
            case '1':
            case '4': {
                // Remove the ECDH public key if originator is known
                log.trace(MODULELOG, `Received ${type(wfCryptoMessage)} message ${wfCryptoMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash} to remove ECDH public key from address ${originatorAddress}`);
                if (originator) {
                    originator.ecdhPublicKey = null;
            default: return;
        // Get accounts for this blockchain and generate a shared secret for each
        wfState.getBlockchainData(blockchain, function mgmtGetBlockchainDataCb(err, blockchainState) {
            if (!err && !blockchainState) err = new Error(`Blockchain ${blockchain} does not exist in state`);
            if (err) return log.error(MODULELOG, `Could not retrieve ${blockchain} state to compute shared secrets: ${err.message}`);

            blockchainState.accounts.forEach(account => {
                generateECDHsecret(blockchain, account.address, originatorAddress, originatorECDHpubKey);

 * Sends an ECDH public key after an authentication message
 * @private
 * @param {wfMessage} wfMessage a Whiteflag message
 * @emits _txEvent:messageCommitted
function sendECDHpublicKey(wfAuthMessage) {
    let newKeyPair = false;

    // Do not send ECDH public key after encyrpted or duress A message
    if (wfAuthMessage.MessageHeader.EncryptionIndicator !== '0') {
        return log.debug(MODULELOG, `Not sending ECDH public key after encrypted ${type(wfAuthMessage)} message: ${wfAuthMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash}`);
    if (wfAuthMessage.MessageHeader.DuressIndicator !== '0') {
        return log.debug(MODULELOG, `Not sending ECDH public key after ${type(wfAuthMessage)} message under duress: ${wfAuthMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash}`);
    // Check reference indicator
    switch (wfAuthMessage.MessageHeader.ReferenceIndicator) {
        case '0': {
            // An original authentication message resends the ECDH public key if already existing
            newKeyPair = false;
        case '2': {
            // A message with updated authentication information triggers to renew the ECDH key pair
            newKeyPair = true;
        default: return;
    // Get own ECDH public key for this blockchain account
    const blockchain = wfAuthMessage.MetaHeader.blockchain;
    const address = wfAuthMessage.MetaHeader.originatorAddress;
    const ecdhId = hash(blockchain + address, KEYIDLENGTH);
    wfCrypto.getECDHpublicKey(ecdhId, newKeyPair, function mgmtGetMessageInitVectorCb(err, ecdhPublicKey, newKey) {
        if (err) return log.error(MODULELOG, `Could not get and send ECDH public key for account ${address}: ${err.message}`);

        // Build K message
        const wfCryptoMessage = {
            'MetaHeader': {
                'autoGenerated': true,
                'blockchain': wfAuthMessage.MetaHeader.blockchain,
                'originatorAddress': wfAuthMessage.MetaHeader.originatorAddress
            'MessageHeader': {
                'Prefix': 'WF',
                'Version': wfAuthMessage.MessageHeader.Version,
                'EncryptionIndicator': wfAuthMessage.MessageHeader.EncryptionIndicator,
                'DuressIndicator': wfAuthMessage.MessageHeader.DuressIndicator,
                'MessageCode': CRYPTOMESSAGECODE,
                'ReferenceIndicator': '0',
                'ReferencedMessage': wfAuthMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash
            'MessageBody': {
                'CryptoDataType': ECDHPUBKEYDATATYPE,
                'CryptoData': ecdhPublicKey
        // Logging
        log.debug(MODULELOG, `Sending ${type(wfCryptoMessage)} message with ECDH public key after ${type(wfAuthMessage)} message: ${wfAuthMessage.MetaHeader.transactionHash}`);

        // Commit the crypto message to the tx event chain
        wfTxEvent.emit('messageCommitted', wfCryptoMessage, function mgmtSendECDHpubKeyCb(err) {
            // Only compute new secrets when newly generated key pair
            if (!newKey && !err) return;
            if (err) {
                if (newKey) return log.error(MODULELOG, `Not computing new shared secrets: ${type(wfCryptoMessage)} message not sent after renewed ECDH key pair: ${err.message}`);
                return log.warn(MODULELOG, `Could not send ${type(wfCryptoMessage)} message: ${err.message}`);
            // Check ECDH public keys from known originators and calculate shared secret
            wfState.getOriginators(function mgmtGetECDHoriginatorsCb(err, originators) {
                if (err) return log.error(MODULELOG, `Could not get originator state to compute shared secrets: ${err.message}`);

                // Check ECDH public key for each originator
                originators.forEach(originator => {
                    if (originator.ecdhPublicKey && originator.blockchain === blockchain) {
                        generateECDHsecret(blockchain, address, originator.address, originator.ecdhPublicKey);

 * Generates an ECDH shared secret
 * @private
 * @param {string} blockchain the blockchain name
 * @param {string} address the blockchain account to generate the secret for
 * @param {string} originatorAddress the address of the other originator
 * @param {string} originatorECHDpubKey the ECDH public key of the other originator
function generateECDHsecret(blockchain, address, originatorAddress, originatorECHDpubKey) {
    const ecdhId = hash(blockchain + address, KEYIDLENGTH);
    wfCrypto.generateECDHsecret(ecdhId, originatorECHDpubKey, function mgmtGenECDHsecretCb(err, secret) {
        if (err) {
            if (err instanceof ProcessingError) {
                return log.debug(MODULELOG, `Could not compute ECDH negotiated secret for account ${address} with originator address ${originatorAddress}: ${err.message}`);
            return log.error(MODULELOG, `Could not compute ECDH negotiated secret for account ${address} with originator address ${originatorAddress}: ${err.message}`);
        const secretId = hash(blockchain + address + originatorAddress, KEYIDLENGTH);
        wfState.upsertKey('negotiatedKeys', secretId, secret);
        log.debug(MODULELOG, `Computed ECDH negotiated secret for account ${address} with originator address ${originatorAddress}`);